Fossilized Giant Clam Discovered

by Alfie Khenn Comendador
(Cebu, Philippines)

My place is located in Carnaza Island, Daanbantayan, Cebu, Philippines. We knew already that most of the pearls and giant clams found in Palawan, Philippines. But suprisingly, it's not just in Palawan. Some of my fellow fishermen was supposed to hunt squid just 50m away from the seashore to the sea, as they searching for the squid they found something. At first they think of it as like an ordinary stone, but when they go deep, they see it as a clam but not just a clam, its a giant clam, not just one, but two, three and there's more and there's more.

One of the biggest giant clam the found sizes 39 inches in length.

If some of you is interested about these giant clams, you can contact me at my email. or pm me in my fb, just search my name, alfie khenn d. comendador
or visit my place, its an island, its the northernmost part of Cebu, also its a newly discovered Island for Tourists.
It's Carnaza, Daanbantayan, Cebu, Philippines.

You can see the photos that i uploaded..

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