King Scallop Pearl

by Sarah
(Isle of Mull, Scotland)

Hi Kari

You may recall I made contact with you a couple of months ago about finding a King Scallop Pearl (from a King Scallop which had been fished in Scottish waters just before Christmas 2010)whilst shucking King Scallops at our processing plant.

Following contact from the lady you put in touch with me, I have today spoken to her friend from Edinburgh. The gentleman asked me to email him a photo, which I did, and thought I would email it to you as I seem to recall you asking for a photo.

I will get this pearl off for testing this week, just to see for sure that it is what we think it is. A natural saltwater King Scallop pearl. It is just such an unusual colour. Have you seen many pearls this colour before?

Thank you for taking the time to help.

God Bless


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Jun 27, 2011
by: Kari

Sarah, your scallop pearl is beautiful. The colors are rich and unusual for a pearl. Maybe you'll be finding more of these in the future. I'd like to know what you do with it. I appreciate you adding a photo and telling us about it.

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