My Pearl Story

by Ruel

I've never seen a tridacna clam pearl since birth. When i was assigned to supervise a 50ft excavation using backhue and dumptruck for a pump house foundation 60mts from sea shore more or less here in Mindanao, Philippines. Maybe many years ago those place were reached with water because we excavated sand and corals not soil or stone. During our excavation I've seen a half giant clam w/ a white-solid like porceline and weighted 6.5kg. I wonder what is it, my mind tells that i was a pearl. I've reseached about pearl and found out that it was the same as natural tridacna pearl, like pearl of allah or pearl of lao tzu. I've viewed also youtube and news to see a tridacna pearl came from palawan to see what it looks like. I've seen your website during my reseached that is why I tell you my pearl story and hear your respond. If it is a tridacna natural pearl maybe i want to sell it, and tell me also how much its worth.

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