2 Quahog Pearls in One Season

by Steve Shallcross
(Barrington RI USA)

2 Quahog Pearls

2 Quahog Pearls

I do stuffed quahogs for parties and some local watering holes so I make a lot of quahogs over the summer. All come from Narragansett Bay in RI and as I was testing one for taste (out of 100) I picked the one with the pearl (white one) in it.

About 3 months later while shucking I found the black one. I put them on a nickel to see about the size.

They are not perfectly round but its a work of nature. Any idea of value?

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Sep 01, 2018
Fascinating difference!
by: Anonymous

I love that you found two pearls in the same season from two different clams in the same water and they look so totally different from each other!!

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