Kari Anderson
Owner of KariPearls
Okay, here's a page about myself, Kari Anderson, a GIA pearls graduate.

Roosevelt-Kari-Churchill Consulting on Bond Street, London
Basically, I'm a mom turned "pearl nut" as I've fallen in love with natural pearls. The result is this gargantuan website which continues to grow. It's fun. It's work. It's a labor of love, love of natural pearls and those who enjoy them.
Natural pearls are those formed entirely without any intervention from man. They are found throughout the entire world in both saltwater and freshwater.
It is my joy to offer exotic natural pearls from Basra pearls dived for in the Persian Gulf to spike pearls from the USA rivers, both in loose form and in unique one of a kind pieces of jewelry from all corners of the world. Deep purple quahog pearls from Eastern USA, brilliant pink conch pearls from the Caribbean, clam pearls with dancing flame, iridescent blue and green abalone pearls, rare spiny pearls and pearl jewelry from yesteryear that has been loved and cherished for decades...all these and more await to be loved anew by you!
KariPearls.com is a unique treasure trove of natural pearls.
Although I provide a vast amount of information about both natural and cultured pearls I sell natural pearls exclusively. You can buy with confidence that any pearl offered for sale on my site is 100% natural and not cultured in any way.
Living near the Mississippi River in Iowa and growing up near the Minnesota River in Minnesota has given me a fascination with tales of natural pearls found in them and had a big influence on me deciding to concentrate on selling only natural pearls.
Living near rivers combined with a desire to help local divers who find natural pearls led me to start selling them on a commission basis. Now, I hear from folks all over the world who have found natural pearls and want to sell them and from people who want to buy them.
I enjoy connecting sellers with buyers and I consider each one of them a personal friend.
Natural pearls are rare. They will increase in value. Buying a natural pearl can be considered making an investment.
I invite you to join the few who have the pleasure of owning natural pearls.
One of my first fun projects when starting this website years ago was to give away cultured pearl baby bracelets. It ended up being so successful that I wrote a true story 6,000 Cultured Pearl Baby Bracelets about it. Free Download Version: 6,000 Pearl Baby Bracelets
Although the greatest majority of my time, I am at home, which is a lovely, large, family built house on a small sheep farm in Iowa, occasionally I take an international trip.

Our Family Sheep Farm
My "claim to fame" is marrying Mark and giving birth to seven, yes, seven, fantastic kids....I only wish I had more! I also have five grandchildren. I enjoyed homeschooling all seven of my children up to college.

My Wonderful Family (minus 5)
Enjoy my site. It is for YOU! Thanks for visiting.
Contact me here.