Pearl Buttons

Pearl Buttons...nothing beats these for solid quality in buttons...especially the vintage ones made in Muscatine, Iowa,USA.
These buttons aren't really made from pearls, but made of "mother of pearl," or out of the clam or mussel shell.
These were prevalent in times past, but now are harder to find and often expensive, if you do find them.
Most mother of pearl or shell buttons today are made in Asia.
Muscatine has a fantastic Pearl Button sure to stop in and see it if you're nearby. See Mississippi River pearls. You won't be disappointed!
Apparently, the modern washing machines and soaps would deteriorate the pearl buttons, making them impractical. However, you still find them on better made garments...which is always a buy something with these buttons on.
I live in Muscatine, Iowa, which years ago was the "Pearl Button Capital of the World." Ronald Regan even chose the Pearl Button Queen one year.
Years ago (late 1800's and even into the 1950's) there were several pearl button factories here (49 at one time) and many people would also cut out the button blanks in their homes, selling the blanks to the factories for extra cash.
Button making in Muscatine employed over one third of the working force at this least 3,500 people.
Because Muscatine is situated on the Mississippi River, there was easy access to the mussel shells.
Apparently, because of a bend in the river here (for several miles the Mississippi River runs east and west) many clams accumulated in this area.
Bet you thought the Mississippi always ran north and south, like I did...well, not here. It does get tell people I live north of the Mississippi River.
Because of this vast amount of available shells, a German immigrant by the name of John Boepple settled here hoping to continue his former occupation of making buttons.
While in Germany, he made buttons from animal horns, but also experimented using fresh-water mussel shells.
There were so many shells punched for pearl buttons that uses had to be found for these cut shells and often they were used for road fill in Muscatine.
Muscatine has two great specifically for pearl buttons with displays, videos and even free plastic button samples.
Muscatine Pearl Button Museum
117 West Second Street
Tuesdays through Saturdays
10:00 to 4:00 pm or by appointment
Phone: 563-263-1052
Free admission, but donations are accepted

Shells with button blanks cut out
Every now and then, the highway department here in Muscatine, Iowa will need to dig up a part of a street for maintenance and then these punched out shells will be exposed. This happened down the street where we used to live in town years ago and I had great fun gathering up these punched out shells.
Their value increased for me after seeing similar ones for sale in a near-by museum for $9.00 each!
I'd put mine on the dirt around my potted house plants just for decoration, but after seeing what they were worth, I retrieved them, washed them, and carefully put them in a big jar.
When I first came to Muscatine, about 27 years ago, one could still find jars of shell buttons for sale at garage sales, but now people are understanding their rarity and worth, so these finds are becoming fewer and fewer. They are still available, however, sometimes, in local antique shops.
in a large variety of colors, styles and here for photos and information.
Buttons are still made in Muscatine, but the factories produce plastic ones.
Years ago, a friend who worked at one of the local factories brought big pails of "button blanks" to us. These are just round pieces of plastic that haven't yet been dyed, shaped or punched for buttons...probably discarded because of flaws.
They make for great crafting and other 12 year old daughter uses them for her "open the door and you'll be showered with button blank tricks on her five older brothers."

Our city's website provides additional information about the history of the Button Industry
Muscatine, Iowa....former Button Capital of the World
What Other Visitors Have Said
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Tridacna Shell Pearl Not rated yet
May i know the market value of this pearl . it weighs 1.8kg .. found from a century old tridacna giga shell ..
Giant Clam Pearl Discovered Not rated yet
This is my third time posting. Just sharing again my Giant Pearl as my my lucky charm.
Im from Philippines. This weighs 13+ kg. This was unearthed …
Pearl of Mariah Not rated yet
Hi kari,
I found this giant shell in my front yard. I supposed to polish it for decoration purposes. However, I have hard time forming to a shell. I …
Backyard Unearthed Giant Clam Pearl Not rated yet
Hi Kari, I just want to share this story about what I unearthed. Actually it has been unearthed 5 to 7 years ago. I just keep it for decoration purposes. …
Large Fossil Clam Shell Pearls Not rated yet
My brief story with photos can be viewed in this link
Fossilized Giant Clam Discovered Not rated yet
My place is located in Carnaza Island, Daanbantayan, Cebu, Philippines. We knew already that most of the pearls and giant clams found in Palawan, Philippines. …
Giant pearls 100% authentic. Not rated yet
Good day !
Nature Giant Pearls,
We would like to sell it per kilo, if your interested or if you have reliable buyers.
Please see the link below …
giant pearl Not rated yet
We have found a giant pearl and I am looking for a buyer
Is this a Pearl? Not rated yet
I am enquiring about a pearl found by my friend in the Philippines sea washed out to the beach. He is not sure and I was not sure as people tell him its …
27 kilos Pearl Not rated yet
My Family friend has a 27 kilos pearl from Palawan Philippines.
Any one interested?
Giant pearl Not rated yet
Had this beautiful pearl in the family for many years , Love its unusual shape
Was found in Palawan from our relatives that have since passed away . …
My Pearl Story Not rated yet
I've never seen a tridacna clam pearl since birth. When i was assigned to supervise a 50ft excavation using backhue and dumptruck for a pump house foundation …
Big pearl found[1620 carats] Not rated yet
I found big record breaking pearl near Hikkaduwa, Srilanka. Actually it is a great finding because its weight 324g …
Muscatine Button Necklace on Wool Not rated yet
Muscatine button necklace made from vintage shell buttons made in Muscatine on colorful variegated purchased wool mixed with hand spun Iowa sheep's wool. …
Multi-Colored Muscatine Button Necklace Not rated yet
Colorful and whimsical necklace made from dyed vintage Muscatine shell buttons on purchased variegated wool yarn mixed with hand spun Iowa sheep's wool. …
Colorful Muscatine Button Necklace Not rated yet
Colorful Muscatine button necklace made with vintage Muscatine buttons on variegated crocheted purchased wool.
Price: $50 No longer available. …
Muscatine Button Wiggle Necklace Not rated yet
Fun, button "wiggle" necklace made from colorful dyed vintage Muscatine pearl/shell buttons on metal wire.
Price: $60 No longer available.
I do think that real pearls would make great buttons...and plan on trying them for some special outfit. Grace Kelly, princess of Monaco, had real pearls for buttons on her wedding dress. Her dress, on display in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, is highly popular.
You may enjoy my other pages about the pearl button industry.
View a vintage button factory that's been "frozen in time" for almost 50 years, and other interesting facts and photos.
Learn more about pearl buttons.
More About Buttons
MOP Cufflinks for sale
Button Necklace
Vintage Button Necklace
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Rolex Mother of Pearl
MOP Wholesale Necklaces
Muscatine Button Museum
Show us your Muscatine Pearls.
Ever worked in a Button Factory?
MOP Mirror
Video -- Saving North American Mussels
Photos of North American Mussels
Mussels from Minnesota for Buttons
Memories of Work in a Muscatine Button Factory
Vintage MOP Buttons
Shell Button Jewelry
Shell Button Factory
Old Factory Tour
Shells and Button Blanks
1948 Button Article
Shell Button History
Mississippi River Clamming
Mussel Recipes
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Tasty Oyster Recipes
Oyster Photos
How to Cook Clams
Clam Recipes
Shellfish Recipes
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