Contact KariPearls
So, who is Kari Anderson?
I'm a happy mother of seven, yes, seven children, who are all grown up now.
I thoroughly enjoyed homeschooling them up to college, so with time on my hands, I'm having a blast selling natural pearls.
I'd love to hear from you!
Learn more about Kari Anderson.
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My Family (Yes, we all love books!)
I live on a lovely, small farm in southeastern Iowa, not far from the mighty Mississippi River. I'm helping my husband manage the farm. My job is mostly to clean the barn which I love doing. I'm getting pretty good with a pitch fork!

Aerial view of Anderwood, our Farm
My husband and sons built our home and yes, it is bigger than our barn and has four floors!
I'm very thankful for Solo Build It, without this amazing website program I would not have a pearl business today.
My business would not be successful if I did not have integrity when dealing with my customers. I hope that learning more about me will build confidence in your eyes.
“Integrity is not a given factor in everyone’s life. It is a result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations in our lives.” - John C. Maxwell
Thanks for visiting my website, my customers become my friends and I appreciate each guest.
Sign up for my (Mag)ezine here for exclusive offers and more.
It's been suggested that we put something about our family on this website, so HERE GOES.
MARK--Pastors at Living Water and his most recent book: Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys is helping lots of folks find the same healing from cancer as he has found. He has also written Local Churches Global Apostles, and Eggnog Recipes. Also he developed a Grassfed Recipes Website.
KARI--I'm developing this website on pearls and enjoy international travel.
ANDREW has lived in Istanbul, Turkey and is now developing his own business.
ETHAN, has lived in Israel and now owns
Big Imprint a website design company & pastors our church. He's married to Bethany and dad to Liliana, David and Simon.
ANNA has lived in South Korea and France and is developing her own business. She and her husband, Ryan, a Commander in the Coast Guard, live in Eastern USA.
SAMUEL, a former US Marine Sargent is developing his own business with his wife Alexis and sons, Abel and Aksel.
MATTHEW, has traveled extensively, works at a local company and lives in Muscatine with his wife Courtney.
JOHN is a Major in the US army and his last assignments have been in Embassies.
SARAH has worked in Columbia and Norway and is developing her own businesses, including
Yup--seven children--you counted right!
Special friends who have helped me:
Jaime Baker
Selina Padilla
Laura Evans