Vintage Pearl Buttons
Muscatine, Iowa,
"Pearl Button Capital of the World."
Vintage Pearl Button've come to the right place to learn about pearl buttons.

Take a look at these fine examples of vintage pearl buttons.
These are vintage buttons made in Muscatine, Iowa, former Button Capital of the World.
You may also enjoy seeing some fun jewelry made from these buttons.

These pearl buttons are the "real thing" right from clam shells found in the Mississippi River here in Muscatine, Iowa. The dyes used years ago are so strong, that they aren't even allowed today...they were soaked for days to absorb the rich colors and they are very vibrant, lovely colors...see for yourself by the photos.

The styles below are the popular shank buttons in two sizes.
The lovely colors make me think of bridesmaids.
Pastel vintage pearl shank button on matching bridesmaid's dresses...with
matchng ribbon and pearl necklaces....
the look would be STUNNING.
Remember...these are rare beauties which are not made in America anymore.
Yesterday I was chatting with a local antique dealer and she shared about the day people from the
Smithsonian Institute...(you all know...that super size mammoth museum complex in Washington DC)...came to purchase some of Muscatine's famous buttons for their collections.

Enjoy viewing several styles of white pearl buttons.
Just as white pearls are are white pearl buttons...there's nothing quite like them to add that touch of elegance to some special dress, blouse, or even a wedding dress.
These are an added bonus if you're interested in vintage clothing...I love it and have several pieces that I enjoy wearing.

Eskimo tribes in Alaska use the big white "fish eye" vintage pearl buttons for their native costumes...
...and have you ever been to Covent Gardens in London? There one can see the Button Kings and Queens with their suits and hats covered with rows and rows of white buttons.

Pearly King and Queen of London, UK

Local button factories don't make vintage pearl buttons anymore....but make plastic ones.

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