Entire families would occupy the clamming camps and help steam the shells. Into the cookers would go a small amount of water and the clams..then covered with burlap. After 20 minutes the clams opened readily. When open, they were moved to sorting tables and searched for the occasional pearl. Mississippi pearls were sold by the pound to buyers who would make the rounds of the camps. Since the real value of the day was the shells themselves for button making, if careful search for pearls wasn't made...pearls were left undiscovered in the clam meat which was fed to the pigs. In other words, during pearl clamming, pearls sometimes were cast before swine.

Mississippi River Pearl and Carved Mother of Pearl Items.
Cleaned shells were taken by railroad or barges to the cutting factories.
Many people cut buttons in their basements for extra cash.
See an old fashioned pearl button cutting factory frozen in time for almost 50 years.

Shell with Button Blanks Cut Out--Muscatine Art Center

Pearl Buttons on Cards
The final process involved sewing the buttons on cards for the retail market. Ladies would sometimes get one penny per card for sewing the buttons on.
Local people still have stories to tell about this job.

Button Display Muscatine Art Center

Button Display Muscatine Art Center
During the 1970's clamming on the Mississippi River was once again revived as the shells were shipped to countries as Japan for shell beads used to start cultured pearls. Modern day clamming volume no where reached what was harvested around the turn of the century, however. Reported catches of licensed clammers from 1976-1980's was less than 300 tons annually. Thank You Muscatine Art CenterThank you to Muscatine Art Center for letting me use photos of their pearl button exhibit. Muscatine is very fortunate to have this gracious old home for a free museum and art center at 1314 Mulberry Street. It’s like stepping back in time as it was around the turn of the century all the frills and luxuries. On permanent display is a bed used in the White House by Susan Ford, period furniture and art by famous artists.
Purchase clamming prints at River's Edge Gallery

Prints pertaining to clamming in Muscatine, Iowa, on the Mississippi River, such as the one above, can be purchased at River's Edge Gallery at 216 West 3rd Street in Muscatine. Phone: 563-263-3176 This is a must see stop for anyone living in or visiting Muscatine.

Larry and Sue Koehrsen, owners, have graciously filled all three floors of this antique mansion...even the huge walk-in attic...with lovely painting and prints by both local artists and others. Visit River's Edge Gallery for all your framing needs.
Modern Pearl Farm
and on this page is a link to another page where you can see pearls still in the shells, right after taking the shell from the pond...great stuff to see!
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