23+ ct clam pearl

23.5 ct clam pearl

23.5 ct clam pearl

Type of pearl: clam pearl

Carat Weight: 23.5 ct

Shape: semi-button

Size: 15 x 15 x 11mm

Color: glossy white

Location of Origin: Recently found in a Sea of Flores, between the islands Selayar and Flores, Indonesia.

This pearl has a very clear glossy porcelain surface. It is spotless white. Around the edge you can see a thin padding with two nature-made notches on it. Perfectly symmetrical.

Price: $1,020 SOLD!

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Jan 19, 2017
I have antique natural clam pearl in Papua new guinea for sell
by: Anonymous

I'm in Papua new guinea iv got a antique non nacreous clam pearl and I'm trying to find Lab but PNG is no Lab so I'm tinking to come Indonesia to Lab and same time I'll sell my pearl in Indonesia.

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