31st Pearl Diving Trip concludes in Kuwait City

(Photo by Gazi/Xinhua)

(Photo by Gazi/Xinhua)

Young divers on wooden ships come back from the Pearl Diving Trip in Kuwait City, Kuwait, on Aug. 1, 2019.

The 31st Pearl Diving Trip concluded in Kuwait City on Thursday.

At least 195 young Kuwaitis participated in the event and came back with their harvest of pearls.

See more photos here: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-08/02/c_138277212.htm

I visited Kuwait about 10 years ago and enjoyed seeing and photographing the pearling dhows on display.

There are several different types. I love it when a country preserves its history like that.

Batteel Dhow

Sanbouk Dhow

Jalboot Dhow

Shuwi Dhow

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