A nice dinner surprise - rare quahog pearl found

by Ashley Alonzo
(Los Ángeles )

white round pearl from my Little Neck Clams

white round pearl from my Little Neck Clams

During dinner at a seafood restaurant, I found a white round pearl from my Little Neck Clams. Through some research online, they may be worth a decent value. I am still a bit shock about this. What can you tell me more about pearls from little neck clams?

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Jul 03, 2023
by: Kari

Hello Ashley,

Little Neck clams are quahog clams and their pearls occur very rarely and have a decent value, depending upon the characteristics.

A round pearl would have higher value than a baroque but white would be the least desirable color as deep purple is the most sought after color.

However, wow, congratulations! You have found a rare quahog pearl!

Large quahog clams are called Cherrystone clams.

It's wonderful that these clams are often found in local grocery stores, even in smaller towns in the Midwest, for example, and on the West Coast where you are. Yes, a pearl can be found! Which you have just proved.

Quahog clams are found along much of the Eastern seaboard in the USA and beyond....which makes them doubly special! They are commonly simply referred to as "clams".

Native Americans made wampum from mostly the purple parts of the shell. That is another topic in its own right.

I have quahog pearls for sale on this page: Quahog Pearls for Sale!

Thanks so much for sharing. Maybe you can have a wonderful piece of jewelry made from your pearl to remind you of God's faithfulness and blessing on your life!

God bless,

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