Bartering Pearls
Bartering pearls. Who would ever have guessed it?

Bartering Pearls
I often mention something personal at the beginning of my newsletters and last spring I told about our baby lambs rollicking in our pasture.
Connie, one of my customers, quickly emailed me saying she had no idea we raised sheep and told me all about her spinning and weaving adventures with wool.
She also said she was in a new stage in life and was selling out all her fabric crafting equipment....would I be interested?
"And by the way", she added, "I'd be willing to barter for your pearls".
How could I resist? Even if I had never dreamed of owning an 8 heddle loom, I did hope someday to get a spinning wheel and other items, since I'd been planning on making use of our wool which is a natural by-product of raising sheep.
So, we co-ordinated a pearls and some cash for her numerous things, which included a lifetime supply of warp thread for the loom in a rainbow of colors.
My husband and I rented a large van, drove to Kentucky and picked up the things, boxes and boxes and boxes of interesting wool working items....a whole van load of quality wool finishing items, such as a top of the line handmade loom, custom built spinning wheel, wool picker, carder, winder, shuttles, tons of warp thread, yarn, dye and dying pans, plus her entire library of weaving books and many more things than I had ever dreamed of owning.
She was going to wear them and give many for gifts. She really likes pearls!
It also gave me an opportunity to personally meet one of my customers. I enjoyed that.
Connie's idea for bartering has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me and my pearl business. Now if I can just find a new car dealer who loves pearls.....

Connie & Loom in Background
Connie's husband is Dr. Cliff Kuhn, the Laugh Doctor.
Read about Connie's disappointing college graduation gift.
Go to girl with the pearl earring art work after bartering pearls.
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