Batteel Dhow Kuwait Pearling Boat
Here is the Batteel Dhow, a popular Kuwaiti pearling boat.
 Batteel Dhow  Batteel Pearling Dhow
 Batteel Diagram
Of all the pearling dhows built in Kuwait, the Batteel is the most ancient and the most remarkable looking, its ancestor was the famous Badan of Oman, which was mainly a fishing boat.
The Batteel was extensively used in pearling in the Gulf waters. Even the Persian ports of Lingeh and Qeshm used the Batteel in that famous profession. Batteel was also used in the deep-sea trade of Kuwait. In the 1830s there were quite a number of Batteels engaged in the annual trade between Kuwait and India.
The Batteel is characterized by a stern-piece that looks like a fiddlehead. Its keep is made of two portions. The stern portion slopes gently upward to the stern post which makes the Batteel a unique dhow in this respect. Batteel is also one of the fastest types of dhows ever built.
The Batteel lost its dominance as a pearling dhow at the beginning of the twentieth century when it was replaced by the pearling Sanbouk. Today, no old Batteel survived Kuwait or in any other Gulf port. This small-sized Batteel was built by the late Kuwaiti shipwright Hasan Abdul-Rasoul for the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences. It is the last dhow built by him in 1998. Its overall length is about 11 meters. It has sweeps and 2 masts.
Go here for more about Kuwait Dhows in general and links to specific types of dhows after Batteel Dhow.
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