Birthday surprise!

by Monica
(Andover NH USA)

It was my mother's birthday and we were having King crab legs and special side-dishes and I was on my second leg. I bit down in a big chunk of meat when I let out a small yelp. I pulled out a small circular white ball, about the size of a tic-tac. I showed it to my parents and my dad said it could be a pearl. I looked online to read a little about king crab pearls, or if they even exist. I do still wonder, is it worth anything?

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Apr 29, 2008
Thanks for sharing
by: Kari

Monica, thanks for sharing about your King Crab "pearl".

As far as I know, these are not valuable, except as a curiosity item for the owner.

But it is fun to hear about them. Your "pearl" will certainly make for an interesting conversation piece.

Thanks again for sharing your Birthday Surprise!

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