Black Pearls Perfume
Designed by Elizabeth Taylor

Black Pearls Perfume is a very fitting name for a perfume designed by Elizabeth Taylor...after all she holds one of the world's most fantastic jewelry collections.

Elizabeth Taylor Quotes on Jewelry

"In truth, we 'owners' are just the caretakers. Nobody owns beautiful paintings. Nobody ever owns anything that is beautiful. We are only the guardians."

"A girl needs simple things too, like a cluster of diamonds."

"You can't cry on a diamond's shoulder, and diamonds won't keep you warm at night. But they're sure fun when the sun shines."

"If you're a collector, I think you've got to be willing to share."

"I don't want to be a sex symbol. I would rather be a symbol of a woman, a woman who makes mistakes, perhaps, but a woman who loves."

My Love Affair With Jewelry by Elizabeth Taylor

This book is truly gorgeous with lots of great photos of Elizabeth Taylor's jewelry. If you love pearls you'll love seeing the photos of La Peregrina.

In soft cover, this book is super affordable for us jewelry lovers.

Video Tribute to Liz Taylor
View Vermeer's Pearl Paintings after Black Pearls Perfume by Elizabeth Taylor.

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