Own and wear a piece of American history...Blue Mother of Pearl Button Jewelry
View and purchase vintage Blue Mother of Pearl buttons made into fun, colorful jewelry.

Blue MOP Buckle Set
If a survey were taken, I'd guess blue to be the tops in favorite colors. Whole decorating magazine issues regularly cover the them of "Blue and White." Blue mother of pearl together with white mother of pearl or standing alone is always a hit.
I think when God made the sky blue, He knew the way colors would inspire, refresh, calm, invigorate and just plain lift our spirits.
More than one friend of mine decorate their homes exclusively in blue and white. I could almost do the same, but not quite. There are just too many great colors to enjoy. Although I do have three rooms flounced in various shades of blue.
Did you know there's an entire section on E-bay dedicated to blue and white?
Blue mother of pearl works well with white outfits, shades of gray or beige, even try it with an orange or yellow outfit...the refreshing look may surprise you.
These vintage buttons, made in Muscatine, Iowa are a piece of practical American history...like wearing a national treasure which is not so far from the truth. People in our city still talk about the day folks from the Smithsonian Institute came and bought up vintage pearl buttons from this former Pearl Button Capital of the World, for their famous museum.
Pearl buttons from Muscatine, Iowa, and other artifacts from Muscatine are also part of the current traveling exhibit called, "Pearls, a Natural History." I was privileged to view this in Tokyo, Japan, during my recent visit there.
You too may own and display some of American history.

Button & Pearls
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