Candied Rose Petals
Dear Kari,
After seeing the recipe for candied rose petals on your roses-and-pearls page, I have a story to share with you:

Sugared Rose Petals
I had an opportunity recently to enjoy a single petal of an exquisite rose-petal dessert that must have been made from a very similar (if not identical) recipe. Please feel free to use this photo to illustrate your recipe for candied rose petals.
I have very special friends from the US who own a small hotel in Ecuador which they use as a conference center. They spend about half the year there, and I have been there to visit them and attend their courses a couple of times.
A five-minute walk away, in this tiny peaceful village in the Andes, is an elegant, serene and beautiful European-style spa called La Mirage. It was an old family hacienda, and the heir who owns it now has expanded it and turned it into a world-class spa with an indoor pool and individual themed treatment rooms, including a chocolate massage, and Cleopatra's milk-bath. There's even a meditation room where you're taken after your massage. It has beautiful gardens filled with hummingbirds and peacocks, and individual cottage-suites, many with their own fireplaces. The fire is laid for you, and all you have to do is strike a match. It is listed with Relais & Chateaux, which is higher than a 5-star rating.
The decor is exquisite, and the food in their restaurant is to-die-for, elegantly and beautifully presented. We had lunch there one day in a group of a dozen or so, and one of the men ordered the sugared rose petals for dessert, just because that seemed unusual and unique. They were incredibly beautiful just to look at, and it really seemed a shame to eat them. They must have been made from a recipe similar to the one you have. This gentleman was kind enough to pass his plate around for everyone to taste one rose petal, and I can still remember mine melting in my mouth. It was ethereal and exquisite!
Thanks so much for reminding me of such a special memory with your recipe for candied rose petals.
Kind regards,
Janet Pearson
Candied Rose Petals
This could also be called, Candied Flower Petals because there are several edible flowers including: daylilies, dianthus, geraniums, Johnny-jump-ups, violas, nasturtiums, pansies, roses, tuberous begonias, and violets.
12 fresh small rose petals or edible flowers
2 teaspoons dried egg whites
2 teaspoons warm water
Extra-fine-grain sugar
(I don't see why real egg-whites can't also be used without the extra water. Look for dried egg whites in the cake-decorating section, a health food store or a gourmet shop.)
If desired, very gently rinse petals in cool water. Place petals on white paper towels; let air-dry or gently blot dry with paper towels.
In small bowl, mix dried egg whites and warm water. Stir gently with wire whisk for 2 minutes to allow powder to absorb water.
Then beat briskly until powder is completely dissolved and foamy.
Using small, clean artist's paintbrush, lightly brush each side of each petal with thin, even coat of egg-white mixture.
While petals are still moist, sprinkle lightly with sugar; shake off excess. (Do not reuse sugar; it will be too moist to coat evenly.)
Allow candied petals to dry completely, uncovered, on waxed paper at least 4 hours or overnight before using.
Store candied petals in tightly covered container between layers of waxed paper for up to 1 week.
Your friends may need some convincing that they are for human consumption.
These candied rose petals would be great on a cake...especially a wedding cake!
Now, how about a recipe for rose water along with candied rose petals. Also see some lovely photos of roses with pearls.
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