Cats Eye Purple Pearl

by mary margaret A
(Angola ny erie)

On 8/20/09 I was enjoying 2 dozen raw clams at the Boston sea food and crab on Genesee Street in NY. I felt a small sliver of shell in my mouth so I was very carefully eating. The next cherry stone clam I also felt something so I decided to look at it. It looked like a black spot in the clam which is normal so I carefully began to eat it. Again I felt something and slowly placed it in my hand. It was round and looked black because the room we were in was dark. I thought it was a black pearl and showed my family and the waitress. I folded it into a napkin and placed it in my zippered pocket. When I got home and showed my children we discovered it was dark purple and light purple. I never knew pearls came in purple. Since that time I've discovered it's one in 2 million to find a pearl and I have had a gemologist verify that it is a pearl. It is 6 to 6.6 in size and the variation in color is due to incompleteness of one color to another causing this cats eye look. The value is in the "eye" of the beholder. I eat clams maybe twice a year and now my grandson wants them all the time; hoping to find a pearl. This has been great fun and plans are being made on what type of setting and what color gold.

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Dec 11, 2009
hi mom "im one of marys daughters"
by: tess brownell

i live in fort drum ny and im not back home vary often .but i was lucky and there when my mom found the pearl.and it was such a fun night,and im so happy to have been there with you mom ..i love the pearl in so many ways and dont forget that i would be the best one to pass it down you mom hope to see you soon tess and natalie ...

Sep 24, 2009
Yes, pearls come in purple
by: Kari

Hi Mary,

Yes, pearls do come in about that! They are beautiful too, aren't they? Lucky you for finding your very own purple pearl. It sounds like yours has an "eye catching" look to it.

Since your find has increased your grandson's desire for's hoping that he will find one too.

Thank you for taking the time to tell your "cat's eye" story about your purple pearl.

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