Chinese Soldiers
Chinese soldiers I photographed near or at Tienanmen Square, Beijing, China.

China Soldiers Photo: Kari
There's just something exciting about a group of soldiers marching in step with crisp clean uniforms.
And now, since our son, Matthew, has joined the US Marines Corp and is training in San Diego and another son, John, has joined the US ROTC Army program (John was sworn in yesterday)...I guess I'll be seeing my share of uniforms around here too.

Beijing Soldier Photo: Kari
It's not that Chinese soldiers are scary or anything, but maybe because of tense relations in past years, one does tend to sit up and take notice when they come marching in your direction. In other words, I wouldn't want to unnecessarily "cross their path".

China Soldiers Marching Photo: Kari
Although this photo looks like it was taken at long range with a poor telephoto lens or wasn't. I was right there, trying my best to get a good shot and still not get knocked over. I had to be quick because they were. Notice the civilians falling in line behind.
Do I sense a few smiles here??

China Soldier Standing Guard in Tienanmen Square Photo: Kari
No smiles here, this guy is all business. Maybe he was chosen because of his sober looks.
Tiananmen that's a place with some history. That history comes very much alive when speaking with someone who was there and suffered consequences for years because of his proximity to all the action. Oh, for the good old USA...we should really appreciate this place more than we do!
Our son, John, has Chinese friends at the University of Iowa and they told us that to be chosen to be a soldier at Tienanmen Square, your background, including ancestors, must be spotless in the eyes of the Chinese government.
See surreal photos of the sci-fi looking Pudong district in Shanghai, China.
Check out some of my other cool photos after Chinese soldiers.
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