Civil Rights for the Unborn Bumper Stickers Available Here
Civil Rights for the UNBORN bumper stickers are available here for cost plus shipping.
I ordered these through Sticker Mule. Cost was about $1.12 each for order of 1,000. I am happy to sell them for that plus what it costs to ship them to you.
If you want lots and lots of these I suggest you ordering your own through Sticker Mule like. Here is the link.
Sticker Mule Bumper Stickers (I get no commission from them.) Sticker Mule had the best prices we could find and gave excellent service and free postage.
Just copy and past the photo on top and upload it to their custom bumper sticker option. 15" x 3.75" The design is our own and I give you permission to use it.
My husband and I designed these years ago after my husband came up with the phrase and just recently have ordered them. Now, we are glad to also see Alveda King using the phrase. She even has a website by the name: Civil Rights for the UNBORN.
They were a big hit yesterday at the Des Moines, Iowa capitol where Lawmakers advanced 'life at conception' bill.

Iowa capitol - Lawmakers advanced 'life at conception' bill. 2/27/2017

Iowa capitol - Lawmakers advance 'life at conception' bill. 2/27/2017
Our dream is to also put this on billboards around the USA, starting with Interstate 80 in Iowa and following I-80 to San Francisco and to New York City.
Then putting them on I-35 starting in Iowa and going up to Minnesota and down to Texas.
That would make a big cross over the USA.
Here is a sample of what they would look like. Not a real billboard, just a sample.

Sample Billboard
There is momentum now for finally seeing Civil Rights restored to our most innocent, the UNBORN. If we work together, it will happen!
Contact me to purchase bumper stickers or for more information.
Yours for the UNBORN,
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