Clam pearl - Found - Lost - Found Again

by Jana

Clam pearl - Found - Lost - Found Again

Clam pearl - Found - Lost - Found Again

I was cooking clams for my son one night and as I was finishing the last three I bit something hard, white, very round and not small at all. I looked at it, not giving it any thought, and threw it away. At night I suddenly woke up and thought...what if it's a pearl? In the morning I put on my looong gloves, went through the garbage, and found it....

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Jul 07, 2023
Found Lost Found
by: Kari

Hello Jana,

Oh, wow, a close call. And a funny story.

I'm glad you had that revelation in the night, "Maybe it's a pearl!"

Were they Little Neck or Cherrystone clams?

If so, then you have found a very rare quahog pearl.

Lucky you! Quahog pearls are often a lovely symmetrical shape, round or button and sometimes also very baroque shape, but round is naturally the most desirable.

You can view quahog pearls here for sale. That will give you some idea of retail value.

Most folks only "dream" of finding a rare quahog pearl but you actually found one!

Maybe you can have something special made from it like a ring to remind you of how God blessed you when you did something special for your son.

Makes me want to buy Little Neck clams more often at our local grocery.

Thanks for sharing and God bless,

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