Could this Possibly be a Pearl?

by Jerry D.
(Phoenix AZ. USA)

Could this Possibly be a Pearl?

Could this Possibly be a Pearl?

Been an avid rock hound for a few years now and my work takes me all over northern Arizona into the ponderosa pines and high deserts. This is where I’m fortunate enough to be able to source a great variety of stones. But to say exactly were in northern Arizona I picked this up I would not be telling the truth. The fact is I have no idea because I didn’t find it unti it came out of my rock tumbler with the rest of the rocks. (I wonder how big it was before spending 2 1/2 days in there) But talk about surprise and excitement let me tell you this part of the US is the last place I would have expected to find such a thing!Nontheless I have a 111.45ct. Natural giant clam pearl measuring 27x17x15 mm. Conservatively. What a beautiful thing this is because before now I knew nothing of pearls besides they cost a lot of money! If nothing else I have a great story to tell.

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Jun 05, 2024
Could this Possibly be a Pearl?
by: Kari

Hi Jerry,

I enjoyed reading your story about rock hounding. It must be lots of fun.

But, I am wondering if this could possibly actually be a pearl?

I agree it is a beautiful thing, but in my opinion, it is a stretch to call it a pearl.

Please show it to some knowledgeable friends or jewelers and get a second opinion and get back to us here to let us know their thoughts.

One thing, for starters, giant clams are not found anywhere in the USA.

Yes, it's a great story and I'd like to hear more of how it progresses.

Thanks for sharing. God bless,

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