Estate beautiful mystery pearl ring

by Laura Capps
(Harrisonburg VA)

mystery pearl

mystery pearl

A complete mystery to me, I found this pearl on ebay from an estate jewelry seller. It was love at first sight.

The ring is heavily made, and the gold work echos the imperfections in the pearl. The setting appears to be handmade. Some of the flower petals are smooth, and some made "baroque" to echo the pearl shape. In the light, the pearl has almost a metallic look and depth - a silver color, but then has a sheen of mauve and iridescent green

I wish I knew more about my mystery pearl ring. If you have a hunch to the type of pearl, I would love to hear it!
lauracapps1 at gmail dot com

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Dec 15, 2010
Beautiful pearl ring
by: Kari

Hi Laura,

What a lovely pearl ring! It's just stunning. And the pearl has lots of character. I like how the flower petals are varied and unique. I wouldn't want to venture as to what type of pearl it let someone see it in person and evaluate that. I can see why you liked it right away and I really appreciate you sharing your treasure with us.

God bless and have a Merry Christmas!

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