Famous Pearls and Collections
One hundred years ago Kunz and Stevenson described famous pearls and collections and little known facts.
 Sea Dragon Pearl British Museum Photo by Kari (my favorite!)
"The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls; who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13: 45, 46.
"In the course of twenty centuries many pearls and pearl collections have become famous, either because of their intrinsic value or else through historic associations. An attempt is made here to list briefly the more important of these."
"While we have purposely omitted any mention of the pearl collections in private hands at the present time, some of which are more valuable than many of these noted in the following pages, we have, nevertheless, given the principal sales of pearls at auction during the past twenty years. Many specimens of remarkable size and beauty have changed hands in this way, more especially in England." Kunz and Stevenson, The Book of the Pearl.
When Kunz and Stevenson mention the last twenty years, one must note that they were referring to the years just prior and after the beginning of the twentieth century.
Click on highlighted word for further descriptions of famous pearls and collections.
Iran Crown Jewels
Cleopatra Pearls
Peroz Pearl
Charles the Bold Jewel
Tararequi Pearls
Oviedo Pearl
Temple of Talomeco Pearls
La Peregrina Pearl
Charles II Pearl
Pearls of Mary Stuart
Queen Elizabeth I Pearls
Gresham Pearl
Rudolph II Pearls
Charles I Pearl
Pearls Described by Tavernier
Peacock Throne Pearls
Shah's Tippet Pearls
Shah's Pearls in 1820
Summer Palace Pearls in 1860
La Pellegrina Pearl
Van Buren Pearls
Thiers Pearl Necklace
Tiffany Queen Pearl
The Bapst Pearls
The Southern Cross Pearl
Morgan Tiffany Collection
Count Batthyani's Pearl
Crown Jewels of France
French Crown Jewels at Auction
Imperial Austrian Schatzkammer Pearls
Green Vault Pearls
Three Unique Pearls
Nordica Abalone Pearl
Sulu Pearl
Finest Black Pearl in Europe in 1900
Hope Pearl
Hope Pearl Collection
Moscow Pearl
La Regente
La Reine des Perles
Gogibus Pearl
Mexico City Pearl Collection
Henry VIII Pearls
Summary of Principal Great Pearls in History
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