Found 2 Pearls in a Clam!

by lucy rudeau
(Newton, NJ)

Two Natural Pearls

Two Natural Pearls

My husband and I went out to lunch with my dad.

My dad ordered steamed clams and while eating one he made a funny face like "O my! I think theres a pearl in my mouth!"

He spit it out and there was an almost perfect oval shaped pearl, and another piece of pearl that looked like a piece of tooth. My dad double checked his teeth and it definitely was a pearl as well!

We showed the waitress, who borrowed it to show the chefs because they didn't believe it! Then the other waitresses and managers wanted to see as well.

In the end my dad gave me the pearl which made me feel really special. He's such a sweet and giving father.

So we were really excited, but I'm not sure which type they are exactly.

Do you think you could help?

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Nov 14, 2010
Rare pearls
by: Anonymous

My dad was eating his cocktail and he took a bite and they were hard and their were two rare pearls there are so small

Sep 23, 2008
You have a nice dad!
by: Kari

Ask the chefs at the restaurant what type of clams they served you...then you will know the type of pearl you have.

At any rate, it is a "natural" pearl, one made completely by nature without intervention by man and is something to be treasured.

Common types of clams are "Steamers" or soft shelled clams, (also called "Ipswich Clams") and "Quahogs" which come with different names, depending on their size. The smallest quahogs, Little Necks, are frequently steamed or served raw. Cherrystones are larger, roughly 2 inches in diameter. The largest quahog is a Chowder, measures 3 or more inches in diameter.

Quahog pearls can be white as well as purple.

Hey, you have a great dad! I'd feel pretty special too if my dad gave me his newly found pearl....lucky you!

Congrats on finding 2 pearls! Wow! Thanks for sharing your photo and story.

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