Found a pearl in a clam

by Michael McElwee
(Wildwood NJ )

Found a pearl in a clam

Found a pearl in a clam


I was out to dinner with my family and eating a dozens steamers as usual. The first clam I bit into I felt something solid. Turns out it was probably a pearl. Just trying to see if it’s worth anything. Thanks!

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Jun 29, 2023
Even a small pearl can
by: Kari

Hello Michael (my favorite man's name),

Thanks for sharing your story. I'm assuming that steamers are Little Neck clams? If not, please enlighten me.

If I'm assuming correctly, then you've found a small quahog pearl. Quahog pearls are extremely rare and yes, they have value.

Even a small quahog pearl has value but the darker colors are more desirable and sought after so have more appeal and value.

Nevertheless, a natural pearl is a natural pearl and they are rare and super special.

I suggest having your pearl mounted in a lovely ring by a local jeweler and wear it often as one of God's gift's to you or someone you love.

Check out quahog pearls for sale here:

God bless,

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