Found a pearl in Brisbane

by leanne
(brisbane australia)

Natural Pearl found in Brisbane

Natural Pearl found in Brisbane

We found this pearl at the beach near Brisbane a few years back. kids were collecting shells and brought them home. About month later we were going through them and found this tiny pearl. They were so excited any info on what type of pearl and shell would be much appreciated.

Kari's note: Hi Leanne, Thanks for telling me about finding a pearl. You maybe tried to upload a photo but please try again, otherwise I'm not able to help you identify your shell and pearl.

I'm assuming the pearl was attached to the shell. Those are called blister pearls and fun to find. They make great conversation pieces.

Photos need to be less than 100K. I've been using to resize photos. It's free and super easy to use.

One of my sons and I got lost once in Brisbane, but it was a wonderful place to get lost. I love what they've done with the riverside there, so inviting.

Looking forward to seeing a photo.

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Apr 09, 2012
I see your pearl is loose
by: Kari

Hi Leanne,

I see your pearl is loose. I think it's amazing to find a loose pearl in a shell on the beach. Pretty exciting. It also looks like a nice round pearl. You should have it appraised. I hope you do something special with it and let us know about it.

Glad for your good fortune! Thanks for sharing.

Apr 09, 2012
by: Steve Koncz

The shell looks to be Pinctada Margaritifera
Or black lip pearlshell


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