Found a quahog pearl!

(Boston, MA)

Purple quahog pearl

Purple quahog pearl

I was shucking clams the other day and this one felt different than the others, as it opened very easily, but clearly wasn't dead. I quickly realized why it was so easy to pry open as this giant pearl was sitting right near the foot. I'm looking into selling it, but not really sure where to go to get it appraised to know what to ask for. Any feedback would be appreciated.

It weighs 3.4 grams & has a nice subtle swirl on one side of it.

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Sep 06, 2014
WOW !!
by: Anonymous

Wonderful pearl !!

Sep 06, 2014
Wow, what a beauty!
by: Kari

Wow, what a beauty!

The EGL lab in NYC appraises these between $200-800/carat depending upon size and color. Since there are 5 carats in a gram, yours weighs a whopping 17 carats! A very nice size for a quahog pearl. Your pearl also has a desirable purple color.

Some say they are worth even more.

Did you by chance save the shell it was found in? I always think it is neat to also have the shell.

Here are some quahog pearls for sale.

I offer a service of listing quahog pearls for sale on my site. There is no charge to list them. See my guidelines and uploading form here. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for sharing about your exciting find!

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