Found Pearls?

by Brian Siwula

Hello I am seeking some help on determining what I have found? I am a collector of ww2 military items, at a recent estate sale I purchased a lot of Japanese military pictures in a wood box case with Japanese writing on the interior lid looks like a cigar box). Contained within the contents of pictures and postcards was a hand made small envelope with 5 small gems they are shaped cut and have a pearlesence appearance I believe them to be period with the pictures and case. Any help in identifying their true nature would be greatly appreciated as this is a subject COMPLETELY foreign to me. Thanks in advance!!


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Dec 27, 2014
a black pearl
by: Anonymous

I found s black pearl in a mussell in 2010 and I been holding on tobitvsince. I bought a bag of nussells in queens until I bit into it.

Mar 25, 2014
I think I know what they are
by: Anonymous

They look like Mother of Pearl.

Mar 25, 2014
I think I know what they are
by: Anonymous

They look like Mother of Pearl.

May 24, 2013
I don't think they are pearls
by: Kari

Hi Brian, Thanks for the photos and your question. Sounds like you are a treasure hunter! I must admit, I don't know what you have there. I don't think they are pearls because of the uniform and matching shapes for one thing. Pearls would be more naturally formed. Something like that would have to be viewed in person, so show them to several jewelers and see if anyone can help you discover what they are.

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