Found these unusual gray colored pearls

by karen
(stephenville tx)

Are these pearls worthy of an appraisal?

Are these pearls worthy of an appraisal?

I recently purchased a box full of old turn of the century "dirty" jewelry from an estate sale. At first I dismissed these pearls because they seemed to be misshapen and mismatched. but the more I look at them they appear to be quite lovely.

The studs themselves are marked gold. and the first pearl is a gray color. then the others are lighter and don't seem to match.

My question is: where do I go to find out what they are. we don't have many independent jewelers -- especially with pearl knowledge -- in our region.

Are these worth getting appraised? And what are they?

thanks so much

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May 12, 2011
Age of pearls?
by: Kari

Hi Karen,

To me it depends upon the age of the pearls. They do resemble inexpensive dyed cultured freshwater pearls which would not be worth having appraised, but it is also unusual for anyone to put such inexpensive pearls on if you are quite sure they are old and the age you suggested, then by all means have them appraised. The posts do look new, however, but the pearls could be old. Sorry no definite answers here. Was all the other jewelry old? It would cost you something, but to satisfy your curiosity, maybe you should have them appraised. Try GIA or EGL. Let us know the results.

May 10, 2011
clean pearls first
by: Anonymous

I would wash them first put them in a panty hose leg, and use 1/2 capfull of baby shampoo, ,very gently massage the pearls , rinse in several waters use body temp water, take out of hose, and air dry on a towel I clean my pearls that way Mary

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