Freshwater Pearl Found on Vacation

by Adam Flaherty
(Ontario, Canada)

I was on vacation with my mom and dad and I was snorkeling around this island where my parents had found two fresh water pearls a few years ago, and as I was swimming something shiny caught my eye so I went down to see what it was and a white shiny pearl was sitting in the sand beside a rock. The pearl was almost exactly the same size and shape as the two my parents had found a few years ago. But I am amazed at how flawless and round the pearl seems compared to other fresh water pearls.

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Aug 01, 2009
Have you?
by: Kari

Hello Adam,

Your find looks almost too good to be true. Have you had a professional jeweler look at it? I suggest that you send it to the GIA for verification or at least have a trusted jeweler examine it for you.

I'd be very interested in anything you can find out about it.

I'm sure it was thrilling to find such a beautiful object while diving.

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