Giddy with Joy after Given a Blister Pearl

by Amber
(Holland, MI, USA)

Blister Pearl from Michigan

Blister Pearl from Michigan

My fiance was deer hunting on the Kalamazoo River in Michigan October 2008, when he came upon this find. The shell, 5 3/8" long, was open and empty. He brought it home and showed me a pearl, 3/8", that was embedded into the shell, also called, as I found out, a 'blister pearl'. I was excited! I had never seen anything like it. I was amazed, thought it very sweet of him! I am still searching for information on this kind of pearl. I don't care what it's worth but it would be interesting to find out. Not that I'm going to get rid of it or anything, I want to turn it into a stone on a necklace as a keepsake of his find and sweetness. As I looked closer at the shell, I noticed a smaller 'blister' on the opposite side, about 1/8" that, if possible when removed, would be turned into a stone on a ring. But so far with my research I have not found out how to remove these pearls from their shell and what to do with them afterwards. Any further help would be greatly appreciated.

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Jun 30, 2009
blister pearls
by: Anonymous

My family and i were crabbing and we came upon a rock that had alot of oysters and clams stuck to it, so we decided to check them out. I have one that has a black blister pearl and one that is a cream color. I also have the same idea.

Dec 22, 2008
I'd be giddy too
by: Kari

Hi Amber,

I'd be giddy too, if someone gave me a blister pearl....and yours is lovely. It appears to have a pinkish color to it.

You can see videos I took here of folks harvesting pearls in China. You can observe them knocking off some blister pearls in these videos. Some blister pearls can be knocked off of the shell and used in rings, etc.

Thank you, Amber, for sharing your neat gift with

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