Giving a Pearl Necklace the Non-Traditional Way
Giving a Pearl Necklace: Pearls make great gifts for many occasions and purposes.
Try these ideas sometime: I've done them all...some more than once.
1. Surprise a stranger who complements your pearl necklace by giving a pearl necklace to her...the one you're wearing!
2. Shock an old friend you haven't seen for years by taking off your pink pearl rope necklace and giving it to her.
3. Consider giving a pearl set as a hostess gift after staying at someone's home.
4. Award a flight attendant who helps dig out your lost pearl bracelet from under an airplane seat by giving her the pearl bracelet.
5. Experience giving a pearl necklace to a total stranger because you notice they have a passport from one of your favorite countries. In my case...someone from Iceland.
6. Giving a pearl necklace by leaving it at the office of an acquaintance who's been kind to you....will bring unexpected joy...both to your friend and to you!
7. Give free pearl baby bracelets to thousands of mothers who request them.
8. Giving pearls to guys...makes lots of sense...they can give them to girlfriends, mothers, friends.
9. Design a special necklace, lay hands on it asking God for a healing miracle. Then sent it to a friend struggling with a serious ailment.
10. Try giving a pearl necklace to a needy person who can sell, pawn or barter it for something they really need.
Giving a pearl necklace. This is not a your normal romantic giving a pearl necklace story.
It's funny how a destination only about 9 hours from your own home can seem so far away and actually going there gets put off.
But after a full year of homeschooling, John and Sarah were game for an American road we were finally off to Tennessee. Even this mom-teacher relaxed her rule of them each finishing a duplication of a world globe before we'd set off. After all, I was by far more anxious than my kids to see this pearl farm.
So leaving behind two globes missing Eurasia and a few other major continents...we hopped in our green Taurus.
Interstates are great for getting places efficiently...but not such great places for car trouble.
Pink Pearls on a Branch"
In southern Illinois, when I noticed first the battery light was on and then the temperature gauge on “hot,” I quickly pulled over far off the road.
John and I inspected the motor and seeing a “wheel” that had become unscrewed and now laying on a belt, it seemed like a simple solution to let the car cool, screw the “wheel” back on and go on our merry way. So we read our books as we waited for the car to cool.
I can hear you seasoned mechanics laughing over our possible simplistic solution...
Fortunately for us, not all motorists whiz by someone with car problems...soon I'd have an opportunity for giving a pearl necklace.

Pearls Dropping
What we know now is the the idler pulley was broken, needing to be replaced and the tension pulley was frozen, which makes adding any pulley very difficult, parts stores were closing in minutes and only someone who really knew what was going on could help us.
Enter 19 year old Eric from near Chattanooga, Tennessee. We were about to taste Tennessee helpfulness, par excellance.
This was Eric's second interstate rescue that day. This guy travels equipped. He not only towed us, but had a full tool box to complete the job. He only needed to borrow flashlights to finish this after dark operation.
The dinky “town” he towed us to was no longer a town, only a group of houses, but we were able to hustle off in his car to nearby Paduka, Kentucky, for a new idler pulley, belt diagram and antifreeze before they closed.
This little trip gave us time to get acquainted with Eric. The well used Bible in his back window showed me he was a dedicated we had lots in common.
The repair seemed like a no-brainer for Eric, as he occasionally received advice from his father via a cell phone.
Not only were we fortunate to have Eric stop, but where he pulled us to and got permission to park our car was at a seasoned mechanic's home.
With the tension pulley frozen, it's impossible to slip the belt over a new pulley. Bob, the seasoned mechanic, knew exactly how to loosen the alternator and hammer it down just enough to allow flex in the belt. He also had some big powerful flashlights.
(I know what all these parts

Baby Bracelets by the Pound
It took these guys a good hour to fix our car in the dark. I'm still amazed that they did it so gladly and non-begrudgingly.
I hate to think of what would have happened to us without their help. Thank you, God, for sending them.
Eric had a girl friend so I took off my 18K gold chain with a freshwater pearl and gave it to him along with money and my business card. To Bob I gave a money and a business card.
Now Eric can enjoy giving a pearl necklace to his girlfriend.
Then I laid my hands on their shoulders, gave the best “God bless these guys in a tremendous way prayer I could think of", gave them each a big hug and we were on our way again.
John convinced me to take a hotel and pitched in to help pay for it. (Our plan was to “sleeping bag it”.) So we got a great night's sleep, shower and breakfast, but not before driving through Metropolis and seeing the giant Superman statue. Metropolis, Illinois has claimed the title, “Hometown of Superman,” because that's where the author states Superman lived. It boasts no skyscrapers though.
Superman must have been out on a “call”...only the statue greeted us...or maybe he was working at the local “Daily Planet.” We didn't have time to check that out.
The next morning, John said, “I write to a girl from Metropolis...let's see if she's home?” She was. We enjoyed a long visit on her porch with her and her mom.
Small world this wide, wild world of ours...but not quite as small as the unfinished globes sitting back home.
As my normal custom, I spontaneously took off my 10mm white dangly pearl earrings and gave them to the mom.
Just a hint into my character. If you ever see me anywhere in this wide, wild, small world, and comment on the lovely pearls I'm wearing....I'll most likely present them to you as a gift. It's happened often. I love giving a pearl necklace.

Headless Pearls
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