Grandfather Finds Littleneck Clam Pearl

by Richard
(Buffalo, NY)

Grandfather Finds Littleneck Clam Pearl

Grandfather Finds Littleneck Clam Pearl

Me and my grandfather are located in NY and one day my grandpa was eating either Littlenecks or Cherrystones and found this pearl inside! It’s about 40 years old and still has it’s shine. I’d like to know whether or not it’s considered a Quahog as I’m new to pearls and heard they’re worth more. I did a rough weigh on my scale and it came out to 225mg or 1.125 Ct and about 6.5mm in length for this Egg/Lemon shaped pearl! Don’t know about what a flame is and if it has one or not any help would be much appreciated thanks!

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May 28, 2024
Yes, it's a quahog pearl
by: Kari

Hello Richard,

Thanks for sharing and for your question.

If you found this pearl in a Littleneck or a Cherrystone clam, then, yes! It is a quahog pearl.

Quahog pearls don't have a "flame". At least I've never seen it. Some non-nacreous pearls, like other types of clam pearls and conch pearls and scallop pearls can have flame but not quahog pearls.

I could be wrong. If someone knows different, please let me know.

Congratulations!! What fun to find a real natural pearl! It's beautiful.

God bless,

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