Granny's Rare Pearl Pendant Find!

Rare pearl pendant find

Rare pearl pendant find

My Grandmother handed down this rare beauty and I'm interested in learning more about it. It sat in her jewelry box for over 50+ yrs. I love that My Grandmother collected such unique pieces and wore them proudly...

· Height = 47.625mm
· Width = 38.1mm
· Thick = 12.7mm

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Feb 28, 2013
Bahraini Pearls
by: Kari

Hi, Thanks for sharing about your Bahraini pearls. EGL lab in NYC appraises pearls. Once appraised and certified, you are welcome to add them for sale on my site alongside of the other natural Persian Gulf pearls I have listed on my site. Please contact me so we can correspond about them. God bless, Kari

Feb 27, 2013
Double strand Bahrain pearl necklace
by: Anonymous

I have a double strand Bahrain pearl necklace that was passed down from my great grandmother. I have been holding on to them for the past 12 years. Times are hard and I think I'm ready to sell them. Does anyone know where I can go to get them appraised or where I might be able to sell them. There in a really nice soft plush necklace box with Bahrain and some other foreign words that I cannot read. If anyone is interested please contact me.

Aug 20, 2012
respond to John W.
by: Anonymous

Hi John,thanks for the comment, as for weight not sure but pretty heavy and this use to hand on a long gold chain with a little crown type clasp. if you can offer any other info as to interested people looking for something like this that would be great..Thanks Christine

Aug 16, 2012
Looks like a Vintage Baroque Pearl, Beautiful!
by: John W.

It appears that you may have something very rare here! I would venture to say that it’s from the Eighteenth or Nineteenth Century. It’s been around a bit longer than 50 years for sure. These rare Pearls have been appearing on the open market over the last Ten to Twenty Years lately, they’ve been passed down generation after generation then there’s that one generation that will let it go. If you knew more of the history would be nice, what was the setting like, plus would of liked to know the weight. But even still, this is a very rare find and is a Pearl that you don’t see much of anymore, only when they come out of hiding, that’s it! Beautiful Pearl and Thank you for sharing!

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