Henry VIII Pearls
Old English Description

Henry VIII pearls were abundant during his reign as King of England.

Henry VIII King of England
        King Henry VIII
While rummaging through our books (all nine of us seem to collect them)…Actually, I’m supposed to be getting them in some sort of order….anyway…I ran across an antique book about England and this was in it about the Henry VIII pearls.

No….these are not typos…not that I never make any, right? It’s written with Old English spellings. Most of it is somewhat distinguishable to our modern minds.

The reign of Henry VIII in Hall's Chronicle reads as one long succession of jousts and tourneys, masques and mummeries, banquets and processions, at which the king wore "a cote of greate riches, in braides of golde laied lose on russet velvet and set with traifoyles, full of pearle and stone," "cloth of gold and purple tinsell sattin," or "a coate of purple velvet, somewhat made lyke frocke, all over embroudered with flatte golde of Damaske with small lace mixed betwene of the same golde...with great butons fo diamonds, rubes and orient perle, his sworde and swordgyrdle adorned with stones and epecia emerodes, and his bonnet so ryche of juels that fewe men coulde value them.."

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