Holy Trinity Brompton
I first heard about Holy Trinity Brompton while attending a service at Toronto Airport Vineyard church in Toronto, Canada.
Since I was going to London soon, I was especially interested in visiting HTB. I had no address (the internet wasn't in my home at the time....). I only know it was in London, so one of my first tasks on my first trip to London was to locate this church.
Did you know there are two other Holy Trinities in London? Well....I found the other two first and was starting to become quite frustrated, when I was finally pointed in the right direction. Apparently the "Brompton" part of the name is quite important...after all it is on Brompton Road.
I was determined to receive a "blessing" from this church. I'm not exactly sure why....it was just something I was determined about. My first trip to London was a "God Thing" from the git-go....so I wanted to do all within my power to make sure God's seal was on the trip. So, logically, I wanted the blessing of a local church for my time in London.
Finally, I found this neat old brick church....by my photos you can tell it has lots of character and charm.
The basement, where a book shop is located, has vaulted ceilings and is a very delightful church basement. Even the backyard of this church has a lovely garden area and benches.
Anyway...back to my "blessing". Apparently, at the time of my unexpected visit, there was no official personnel to give blessings. And because of this I'm afraid I made quite a pest of myself....I guess I can be that way when I'm determined to get a blessing...sort of like Jacob wrestling with an angel perhaps.
So, I was told....no blessings today, or some such thing. But I persisted and since I wasn't fussy about who my "blesser" would be, asked if one of the office girls could please give me a blessing.
Yes....someone was brave to do this thing and off we went to a private room where she prayed a very earnest and sincere prayer for me and my time in London.
I was sent on my way a very "happy camper". (London Tourist, that is.)

Holy Trinity Brompton Window Photo by Kari
As you can imagine, something extraordinary soon happened to me as I was once again trying to find my way somewhere, which proves that even office girls can give pretty good blessings!
Instead of me going into details....just read
this if you are dying to know what amazing things started to happen in my life.
One thing I will say here is that "travel happened" over and over and over again. I hope it never stops. God started sending me on the most incredible journeys all over the world...hence this website and pretty much everything else that happens in my life.
The most fun part is "getting the message" and knowing where and when He wants me to go. That is another topic by itself.
Back to Holy Trinity Brompton. Later that same year, I returned to London and asked for prayer at the appropriate time this time...after a service when prayer requests were being officially taken. A very poignant word was spoken over me then....something that only the Holy Spirit could have known and said to me.
Moral of that story....the Holy Spirit can even speak at appropriate times as well as inappropriate times when there is no "official" present.
The Alpha Course started at HTB and has influenced thousands of people around the globe.
At an Alpha conference in Chicago, Sandy Millar's wife (the pastor at the time) prayed for me and said, "Write me." I don't know if I wrote, but made it my habit drop by a little gift for her if I was in London and had the time to visit or stop by HTB. She said these were a blessing...so glad of that.
When you're in London, I highly recommend you stopping by for a service or a blessing...but I think your chances of that would be better after a service, don't try your luck on random blessing in the off hours....the secretaries may all have gone home for the afternoon.
Holy Trinity Brompton is just a short jog from Harrods, close to the Knightsbridge Tube station, and almost literally right next door (but not quite) to the Victoria and Albert Museum.
See what other England experiences I've written about here.
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