I Found 4 Quahog Pearls, but They are Small

I went to the bay and dug for clams..... I got lots of them and grilled them....

I bit into 4 pearls and they are small (2-3mm). Most of them are white and only 1 purple (2mm). I don't know the value for them, so I gave them to my kid to put in her jewelry case....hope she keeps them....
Hope one day i will get big one and then will upload pictures here to share.

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Apr 13, 2023
I found one too.
by: xine

Just this April 12, 2023 I found one clam pearl. I almost eaten that tiny thing. I got it from a clam seafood shell. By the way I am currently
living in Bahrain.

Sep 06, 2008
Most would be happy
by: Kari

Hi, Most folks would be very happy to find even four small quahog pearls. We'd also be happy to see a photo of the four small ones. But, keep looking....with your luck, you'll no doubt find a beauty one day.

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