I found my Blister Pearl at a garage sale! lol :)

by Nan
(South Forida)

Blister Pearl

Blister Pearl

I went to a garage sale to find accessories for summer. I was looking through the necklace section at some cut shells and touched a bump on the back of one of the pieces of shells, but when I turned it around I noticed what looked like a defect on it (a bump)... it was unique so I took that one and paid $1 for it. When I showed my mom, she said it was a Blister Pearl but we have no idea how much it could be worth, how common it is, or what kind of shell it is. Can you please help? Thanks!

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May 22, 2013
Thanks Kari
by: Nan

Thank you, Kari. I was curious to know; the previous owner had it in a box full of accessories she had in her own second hand shop, and was now having a garage sale clearance... only God knows where this piece originally came from! I do love wearing it. I wear it backwards so the blister pearl's visible and is a great conversation starter. ;)

May 22, 2013
Blister pearl
by: Kari

Hi Nan, Well, for sure that is a blister pearl like your mom said. It's too difficult to actually tell what type of shell it is, but it looks like you "found your pearl". I wonder if the owner could have told you more about it. She might have found it herself. It will be fun wearing it. As far as value, I don't think there would be much. Thanks for sharing.

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