Is this a black pearl?

by Nicole
(Palos Verdes Estates, CA)

I just home from the Abalone Cove tide pools in Palos Verdes, CA and took a picture of the weirdest mollusk creature w/ a black pearl in the middle (I think). I left it there! Can you tell me what it is?

Of course my camera was acting up today and pinked the picture. The lip at the top was actually bright yellow.

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Jan 26, 2011
Keyhole limpet sighting
by: Kari

Hi Nicole,

Thanks for explaining the mystery.

For anyone interested in this unique mollusk. Here is more info about keyhole limpets.

Jan 26, 2011
Mystery solved!
by: Nicole

My son and I ended up at the Long Beach Aquarium today where we confirmed a 'Giant Keyhole Limpet' sighting. They said the mouth can come out the middle (and excrement too).

Mystery solved!

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