Is this a Purple Quahog Pearl?

Is this a purple quahog pearl?

Is this a purple quahog pearl?

I found a weird shaped purple object in my little neck, I kind of cracked it a little. I bit into hard- OUCH. It might be a pearl but I don't think I can be that lucky!

Quahog Pearl
Quahog Pearl Specs

Kari's note: 0.4g = 2 carats

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Jul 15, 2012
For Sale?
by: Anonymous

Just wondering if you were selling this pearl!

May 11, 2010
Obviously a pearl
by: Kari


Yes, this is obviously a pearl and a nice dark purple pearl too! It would be perfect for a pendant, I think.

I think I need to start buying little neck clams! I'm not sure they're even available in my area.

I enjoy hearing about these pearls. They are true national treasures!

I've added a note that 0.4g = 2 carats.

Thank you for sharing.

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