Jalboot Dhow Kuwait Pearling Boat
Here is the Jalboot Dhow from Kuwaiti pearling days.
 Jalboot Pearling Boat
 Jalboot Pearling Boat
 Jalboot Pearling Boat
This was a popular type of vessel in the pearling fleet of Kuwait. She is called Jalboot and is distinguished by the stern which is at almost a right angle to the keel. Both sails and sweeps are used to sail her. This Jalboot was built in 1957 by Ali Abdul-Rassoul for the late Sheikh Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah, who used her for a few pearling trips before presenting her as a memorial of the pearling days of Kuwait. Before being put on display here, she was sailed by Kuwaiti mariners extensively over the Gulf.
Go here for links to other specific Kuwaiti Dhows after Jalboot Dhow.
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