Laura Evans Model for KariPearls
Laura Evans has become a lovely friend to our family in the last few years. One day it dawned on me to ask her if she'd like to model my pearl and pearl button jewelry.
With my daughter Sarah's help, we had a delightful photo taking session.
Here's a little bit about this amazing young lady in her own words.
Hi, I'm Laura Evans and I am from Iowa. Currently I am teaching English to elementary students in a bilingual school in Medellin, Colombia.
I have 187 students in all and do not even know all their names! They all go by two first names here and so there are several different combinations of Juans, Pablos, Camilas, Marias and so on.

The children stay in the same room all day and the teachers change classrooms so I do not have my own classroom but share the teacher's lounge with all the other teachers.
This makes it more difficult with discipline because every time I arrive to a classroom, the kids are unsupervised and a little on the wild side.
I then have to calm them down, which I have not been successful in doing in the boys classes. The girls and boys are in separate classrooms.
I have been learning to depend on God even in the middle of a chaotic class and I have also learned that I can not control everything but can make small steps of improvement as I learn what does and does not work.

My contract at the school ends in June. At this point I plan on coming back to the States at the end of the contract, but only God knows for sure.
I trust Him and have learned not to run away from what He is teaching me. My goal is to learn to be content wherever He has me and to look beyond the circumstances to the things that are eternal.
Although I do have my down times, God has shown me how much He loves me and how He likes to bless His children. Walking where God wants me to walk is where I find the most happiness and peace.
Slip on over Karipearls contact page after Laura Evans.Photos and Text © by
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