Magnificent Clam Pearl 15+ ct

Magnificent Clam Pearl 15+ ct

Magnificent Clam Pearl 15+ ct

Type of pearl: clam pearl

Weight: 15.8 ct

Shape: drop

Size: 18 x 10 x 10 mm

Color: white with flame

Location of Origin: Indonesia

Unique Features: An impressive and very rare pearl from the giant clam. It has symmetrical shape and smooth porcellaneous surface. Flame stands out well and is evenly and finely distributed that all the chatoyance faithfully follows the light wherever it goes. Polar swirl, flashes of blue and pink iridescence, translucency are in fine mix with flame structure. The veins create natural look and blend well as they swirl around the body. It's an exotic natural gem at its finest. Altogether a great pearl to treasure!

Price: $2,552 SOLD!

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