Medicine from Molluscs
PharmaMar, a biotechnology company of Zeltia Group, has presented new data on two antitumoral compounds of marine origin, Zalypsis® and Irvalec®, in Phase I trials in clinical development and in vitro studies and with animal models.
Zalypsis® is a novel chemical entity related to the marine natural compounds Jorumycin and the family of Renieramycins, obtained from molluscs and sponges, respectively. Irvalec®, a new synthetic depsipeptide derived from PharmaMar Development Program of marine origin compounds, is a new drug with antiproliferative activity against a wide range of tumors, including breast, colon, pancreas, lung and prostate.
PharmaMar has presented the results of 4 studies at the 20th annual symposium of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), taking place in Geneva (Switzerland) from 21 to October 24.
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