Muscatine Button Museum Pearl Ring

by Kari
(Muscatine, Iowa, USA)

Natural Mississippi River Pearl Ring

Natural Mississippi River Pearl Ring

This lovely pearl ring is on display at our local Pearl Button Museum, which has recently been revamped into a top-of-the-line historical museum.

The museum not only capsulizes our local history, it makes learning and researching pure joy! Watch videos, hear authentic voices telling their stories, catch clams, see displays, count buttons, etc. Children love this place too. It gives one the feel of being right inside of a button factory with its lifesize photos covering the walls. can even buy my vintage pearl button jewelry there....another great reason to stop by and have a look around.

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Aug 26, 2018
Congratulations on the Museum Upgrade
by: Chris Rogers

That's so exciting to have such interest in local history that you can combine historical knowledge with tourism and educate everyone about your magical town!!

Mar 14, 2008
Love hearing stories
by: Kari

I love hearing stories from local folks, many of whom seem to have a piece of pearl jewelry. Most of the big, valuable pearls were sold to dealers who'd travel through, but often a nice one was brought home for a wife or sweetheart and put into a ring. I love living near a place where people value their freshwater river pearls from days gone by.

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