My husband found a pearl

by Andrea
(Marysville wa)

My husband and I were eating oysters when he found a pearl and it still has a hard coating around it with black in the middle, is it still good and what do we do with it?

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Nov 09, 2009
by: Kari

Hello Andrea,

Congratulations on finding a pearl. It must be thrilling to find one. I'm not sure what the hard coating is on it, as usually pearls just need to be rinsed off and are then in their beautiful state. I suggest you have a jeweler look at it or a gemologist...someone you trust who could give you some advice as to what to do. Maybe you could try soaking it for awhile and see if that softens and loosens the hard coating. Any chance of a photo? Would be fun to see one. Thanks for taking the time to share your discovery with us!

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