My Pearly Aunt and her ring

by Diana

To me, my aunt was like a priceless pearl, and so is her ring (to me).

She gave me this ring about 10 years ago. She had a lot of glamorous jewelery, living the life of the wife of a lawyer in northern Italy. I'm not an expert and appreciate anything for its sentimental value, so this ring will always be of great value to me. The one thing that surprises me about this ring is its imperfections - There are a few bubble-like circles on surface of the pearl along with something that looks like a rim around the pearl (that is smooth) and potentially a crack?? I don't know the age of the ring - could be 25 years old +. Could the pearls be fake? and could imperfections happen from age or damage?
It would be great to hear the feedback from someone that knows pearls!!
Thanks so much

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Jul 13, 2011
Nice ring
by: Diana

Hi Diana,

Thanks for the photos of your aunt's ring...what a treasure. I also am very sentimental and that usually weighs more in my mind than the actual value of an item.

I'm thinking that if the pearls in your ring were imitations, then they most likely would be better matched. The fact that the colors are slightly different would indicate to me that they are probably not imitation.

It's impossible to tell these things from a photo alone, so these are only thoughts.

About the rim, could it possibly be glue?

To answer your question, if they are fake, then, yes, the can show wear after time, but pearls, either natural or cultured also can have imperfections. Since shape is one of the most sought after characteristics of pearls, they might have been chosen for use in spite of the surface flaws.

I suggest having a trusted local jeweler take a look at it and hopefully he or she can give you a good eye witness opinion.

I enjoyed seeing your treasure. Aren't aunts wonderful?

God bless, Kari

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