Natural Pearl Necklace Stunning Value on Antiques Roadshow

Natural Pearl Necklace Tiffany 1910

Natural Pearl Necklace Tiffany 1910

An Antiques Roadshow guest was left in shock after she was told the appraised value of her grandmother-in-law's iconic 1910s pearl and diamond necklace.

She explained: 'Most people would say, "Oh, it's diamonds, you know, that's what's important'. No, it's all about the pearls.

'This piece was probably designed by one of Tiffany's greatest designers, Paulding Farnham and he loved natural pearls.

'Each pearl is beautiful: the luster, the match, the skin on it — we call it the skin. It has no blemishes. I mean, these are beautiful, natural pearls.'

The guest was then told that despite losing two of its pearls - each valued at $5,000 - the necklace was currently worth a staggering $200,000.



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